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Thursday 19 November 2015

Your Kangoo Jumps Questions and Concerns Answered


A lot of people have the same questions when they see Kangoo Jumps for the first time and haven’t tried it before. Don’t worry I was the exact same when I saw these bouncing boots and had all of these questions myself so below I have answered some of the most common concerns and questions J If you have any other questions, or if you want to sign up for a class email me at  


1)    Will I fall; it looks like it would be pretty easy to fall off those boots?

When I first saw Kangoo boots and was off to try my first class all I could think on the way there was “don’t be the girl that falls, don’t be the girl that falls” lol. No you will not fall. These are not Go-go gadget boots that will bounce you off into orbit I promise! In all the classes I attended as a student and all my classes I have taught I have never seen anyone fall. The first couple seconds yes you will need to adjust your posture to get your balance but after that you will feel great. The springs are rebound springs they only offer a small bounce to them. The way the boots are designed is to help you with your posture. Good posture equals a good time on the boots, and no falling. This is a great benefit of the boots. They help you build a better posture J you will look taller and leaner from taking Kangoo just because of the way you hold yourself after. The boots help build your core strength and elongate your spine which is great for anyone with a sore back from hunching over at an office all day


2)    “I’m going to bounce my head into the ceiling or bounce too high”

-         No you will not lol. I promise! J The boots have a rebound technology. If you have ever tried one of the mini trampolines for at home use you know that they don’t offer much height in your bounce, it is more of light bounce that reduces impact on your joints. Same as Kangoo boots. They won’t spring you 5 feet in the air. You will bounce only a few inches off the ground in class


3)    “I’m uncoordinated. I’ve seen the video of a class and there is no way I can do that!?”


-         Yes you can J I felt the same way when I went to my first class! And yes my first class I was not the most graceful girl there and it took me a few classes to get the hang of it, but now look at me I’m teaching Kangoo lol J I had never done a lot of step classes or dance classes so move for me weren’t as easy to pick up as the girls that had done dance or step, but by my 3rd class I knew I loved Kangoo and could see such a difference in my coordination and balance I couldn’t believe it! You may feel like the most uncoordinated person in the world but after a few classes of Kangoo you will have balance, coordination and flexibility you didn’t think possible before and you will gain all of this while having a blast in my class. We always have fun and as long as you are trying and having fun that is all that matters. The moves become easier and easier each class you take and after a few classes, new moves will seem simple to you


4)    When will I see results from Kangoo?


-         This varies with each person and their habits and lifestyle. For me when I started Kangoo I noticed a difference in how my clothes fit and my cardio strength by my 3rd class, but I really noticed it after taking Kangoo for a month. If your goal is to lose weight 2 classes a week can be up to 2400 calories burned off a week, and if combined with a healthy diet you could start seeing results within your first couple weeks. Most people start seeing results within their first and second month if they are consistent with going to their Kangoo classes. If your goal is to build your cardio endurance you will notice a change after a few classes. I have had cross fit students, and boxers come to my class and they have said after taking Kangoo a few times their running was faster, their endurance for boxing rounds was better, and they could cut time off their workout circuits


5)    How do I book a class?

-          Easy. Email me at with your contact info and shoe size and what day works best for you to come to class and I can set you all up J your first class is only  $10.00 to try KangooJ


Look forward to seeing all of you for more bouncing fun at my next class






Wednesday 18 November 2015

Who Should try Kangoo Jumps and who should not

Who Should Try Kangoo Jumps and Who should not
As much as I would love to have everyone try a Kangoo Jumps class because I believe it to be the most fun way to exercise and burn calories, and I love having new people in my class there are some restrictions for Kangoo Jumps for health reasons. Below are the lists of reasons you would be perfect for a class and reasons that Kangoo might not be the class for you
Any questions ever feel free to email me at and I will get back to you asap J
Who Kangoo is great for:
-Fitness junkies – anyone that loves a challenge and wants to push their cardio to the next level should come try a Kangoo class. You will burn tons of calories over the 40 min cardio session and build your endurance. Kangoo has been proven to help build cardio strength for runners and athletes
-if you are an ex fitness junkie that wants to get back into training but you don’t want to have joint pain the next day this class is for you! The cardio is in high gear but the Kangoo boots offer 80% less impact on your joints! You will not have stiff knees, sore back, and aching joints the next day you will feel great!
Clients have said Kangoo has helped their posture, feet pain, lower back pain and more
Get bored easily? – No problem! Kangoo is the most fun you will ever have working out! Forget the treadmill, we do 40 mins of cardio to upbeat top 40 music and routines change regularly. Classes are always fun and boredom free J
Weight loss – If you are already working out but want to see faster results with your workout regimen and diet Kangoo Jumps is great add-on! Typical class you can burn up to 1200 calories a class (more than spinning or running) plus the added benefit of detoxing your lymph system from rebounding. Your lymph system is very important to keep clean and working when trying to lose weight. When your lymph system is clogged it can create water retention and makes it more difficult for your body to flush those nasty toxins out of your body.  Your lymph system is also plays a vital role in your immune system so Kangoo is a great add-on to keep your immune system in tip -top shape this winter to fight off winter flus and colds J
-         So runners, skiers, step class junkies, boxers, snowboarders, gym junkies and more if you are looking for something new to try out this winter that is fun and a challenge Kangoo Jumps is the class for you
We offer classes Monday at 1:45pm and 7:30pm, and Friday 1:45pm in Tsawwassen at Muscle Memory. Contact us by email or on Facebook under Kangoo Club Tsawwassen to book your boots and reserve a spot
Who Kangoo is not right for
-         Severe injuries to back or knees: If your doctor has told you can no longer run or have any impact on your joints Kangoo is not for you. While there is 80% less impact on your joints there is still 20% impact. So if your doctor of physician has told you 0% impact whatsoever our class is not right for you
-         During pregnancy: Kangoo is a high intensity cardio class so we cannot offer classes to you while you are pregnant.  Doctors do not recommend adding on any new intense workouts while pregnant as it is not safe for your child or you. We are more than happy to be part of your workout regimen after you have your child and want to bounce back into shape though J
-         Never worked out before? This might not be the class for you to start with. Our class is 30 -40 min of high intensity cardio followed by 15 min of mat work with push-ups, sit-ups, lunges and more. This could be very challenging for you if you do not have some fitness strength behind you.  We do have breaks in class and if anyone is feeling tired you can always jog on the spot or bounce on the spot. If you are new to working I do suggest to contact me first to go over some general questions on your fitness and health first before booking  class with me
-         Medications: If your doctor or physician has told you that the medications you are taking should not be combined exercise or with high intensity workouts then this class is not for you. Also any medications that prevent sweating are also not a good idea to mix with Kangoo. We sweat a lot in class. If you are taking medications for your heart please consult your physician to see if cardio class is still right for you.  I always want clients to be safe and happy first and foremost J  
Any other questions feel free to email me and I will get back to you.  I hope to see you all soon in class for some bouncing fun J
Kangoo Jumps Instructor

Tuesday 17 November 2015

What is Kangoo Jumps? :)

Kangoo Jumps is a high intensity cardio workout that you can burn up to 1200 calories a class. It also has 80% less impact on your joints so you can feel the burn, not the pain the next day :) We workout to upbeat music and work every part of your body. Tone, lose weight and keep your joints safe while having a blast! Contact us for class schedule and to book your boots

Your complete exercise program on Kangoo boots choreographed to fun inspiring music! Kangoo Jumps is an explosive, highly motivating, interval training class, specifically designed to challenge the whole body, building muscular strength and endurance. Classes Monday and Friday in Tsawwassen at 1:45 pm and 7:30 pm Monday's at Muscle Memory

*Lose up to 1200 calories per class!

*20% more effective than regular aerobics.

*80% less impact on joints

*It improves resting metabolic rate so that you burn more calories while resting

*It offers relief from neck and back pain.

*Aids lymphatic circulation as well as the flow of the circulatory system

*Fabulous for cellulite reduction

*Powerful muscle toning results

*Greatly improved balance/co-ordination

*There is no other form of exercise that is THIS MUCH FUN!!!

ONLY $10.00 to try for your first class

Drop in: $18.50 (Boot Rental included)

(Options to purchase your own boots)

10 Class Pass + boot rental only $140

10 Class Pass + your own boots $100
Contact: or on Facebook at Kangoo Club Tsawwassen